
Maintaining Chart of Accounts

Your Oojeema accounts comes with a pre-defined chart of account that you can use straight-away and you can add GL accounts for your bank as well as other accounts that is specific for your business.

It also comes with locked accounts that Oojeema uses to automate some transactions so you can focus on recording your transactions. Some examples of the locked accounts are GL accounts used for the tax forms and reports. We also included some accounts that would help you in setting up your items and other transactions.

Adding an Account #

  1. Go to Settings, then Chart of Accounts
  2. The Chart of Account listing page with load.
  3. Click on the plus (+) icon to add an account.
Add Chart of Account

4. In the Add Account form, you would need to fill up all the fields to add an account.

  • Code – assign a unique code to the GL account you want to add.
  • Name – assign a name for this GL account.
  • Class – select from the list of account classes.
  • Nature – select whether the GL account you are adding is normally Debit or Credit.
  • FS Presentation – select whether is is a Balance Sheet or an Income Statement account
  • Type – Parent, Child, or Both.

The parent and child is basically used to structure the chart of accounts here in Oojeema.
When setting up a child account you would need to specify which parent this account belongs to


Accounts Payable – Parent

      Accounts Payable (Trade) – Child

Here’s another example:

Accounts Receivable – Parent

      Accounts Receivable (Trade) – Both

              Accounts Receivable (Trade – goods) – Child

              Accounts Receivable (Trade – services) – Child

Locked Accounts #

Locked accounts cannot be edited to prevent issues with the built-in automation. You can however view the details of the accounts.

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