
20 Ways to Get More Clients (Part 4 of 4)

Finally, here’s the last part of our getting more clients series.

Referral programs

There are several referral programs you can create for your practice. In fact, from Referral Candy alone, you can get 47 ideas already for your business. These programs are easy to set up and can work for almost anyone.

You may also look for services that offer referral programs and partner up with them. There are companies that offer substantial discounts or commission when you refer even just a few clients.

The best part of having a referral program is that you barely have to shell out cash. Paying your referrers with goods or services is more appreciated. For an accountant, perhaps offering an hour worth of service or free financial analysis can do the trick.

Social media

Despite all the fake news and scams that have been widespread on social media, it’s still probably an accepted fact that it is where a lot of potential clients are lurking.

So to get their attention, optimize your profile, especially your LinkedIn. Then search for job postings or mentions of the job you want.

Facebook groups such as PTAAF, Tax Help in the Philippines, and Freelance Jobs Philippines are some of the groups you can check out. Job opportunities are commonly posted on these pages at least three times a week.

On Twitter and Instagram, the best way to find a client is to search for keywords such as “accountant,” “bookkeeper,” or “CPA.”


CPD Units are a hot topic among professionals in the Philippines, and there are several ways you can earn them according to PRC Board. You can be a participant, a resource speaker, a moderator, and so on in a seminar, workshop, or training.

But since we are aiming for you to showcase your expertise and thus earn clients, your best bet is becoming the resource speaker. You can apply as a CPD provider by following the process laid out by the Professional Regulation Commission.

Next, choose a topic you’re most comfortable with and is interesting for your target participants. The TRAIN law is among the top favorites. But you may also be more visionary by conducting a seminar about accounting and cryptocurrency.


You may have social media accounts on all platforms, but nothing still beats having your own website. If you can’t afford a billboard, you definitely should have your own site. It’s where your potential clients can find out about you and the services you offer.

While social media accounts can also do all that, they are not very SEO friendly. What we mean is when someone searches for a keyword related to the services you offer, those with websites are always ahead of the game.


Because just like the billboard, it’s the first thing the search engines see. The social media accounts are like flyers, pamphlets, and brochures. They are still visible but not as much as the billboard.

Now that we’ve established why a website is crucial for your practice, the next thing you have to figure out is how you can create one. WordPress, Wix, and other similar companies offer free templates and themes you can use to create your site.


You can also ask for professional help if you’re not very confident with your website building skills. Cid Systems offers web development for as low as PhP800/month. Just make sure you let them know you find out about this offer via this blog.

YouTube Video

Aside from creating social media accounts and website, recording and uploading videos on YouTube is another surefire way of getting your expertise known.

This is especially helpful if you can’t afford to conduct your own seminar yet as video blogging or vlogging doesn’t cost as much. All you need is a quality video recorder, a clean and quiet space, and a stable internet connection.

You can talk about any topic you want plus you can interact with your viewers via the comment section. You can leverage this to showcase your knowledge.

This ends our four-part series about getting new clients. If you missed the other three, make sure to check them out here, here and here.

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Oojeema is Philippines’ FIRST online accounting software designed to simplify your accounting processes.

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